Entries by Tim

Dwelling prices tipped for double-digit gains in Sydney, Melbourne: report

Dwelling prices in Melbourne could rise by 15 per cent next year and Sydney could jump 14 per cent amid strong population growth and cheap credit, new research predicts. Other capital cities could also get a boost, with prices in Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart and even Perth tipped to lift, according to SQM Research. The forecasts […]

Australia’s cheapest and most expensive suburbs for buying a house

Cashed-up home-buyers looking for the most expensive suburb in Australia should be heading to Vaucluse in Sydney, while those looking for the ultimate bargain should head to Elizabeth Downs near Adelaide. These are the suburbs with the most expensive and most affordable house price medians close to a capital city, new Domain data shows. Sydney’s […]

Flexible work is a win-win for employees – and employers too

As life expectancy lengthens and labour markets shift, our working lives have become more complicated. The old expectations about how we work have become unsustainable – not least the expectation that we religiously travel to and from a fixed location five times a week during rush hour, with all the knock-on effects that this has […]

Malaysia’s Gamuda buys 50% stake in Australian rail infrastructure firm

Malaysia’s Gamuda buys 50% stake in Australian rail infrastructure firm Malaysian engineering, property and infrastructure company Gamuda Berhad has acquired a 50% share of Martinus Rail, a New South Wales-based railway infrastructure firm. The agreement will allow Gamuda and Martinus Rail to jointly tender for construction projects in Australia’s A$100 billion-plus infrastructure pipeline, increasing completion and […]

How Gamuda Land is tackling climate change

Climate change has captured the world’s attention. As extreme climatic phenomena inundate countries with haze, heatwaves, storms and flash floods, the world once again begins to take a step back and reflect on the causes and actions to be taken. The anxiety also alarms the younger generation, leading to significant climate movements that have seen […]

Need help in setting up a new business in KL. Let InvestKL guide you

InvestKL partners with various government agencies to attract MNCs from USA, Europe and Asia Pacific to conduct their regional business, innovation, talent hubs and high-value business services activities to enhance their company’s growth in Asia. Greater KL has been ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit as the second-most competitive global city in Southeast Asia, offering […]