USA Television

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  • SimonRowberry

    Hi MS,

    Wish I could pack the smoking in – am trying hard, Martyn!

    Give me a bell when you can – have floated the idea we discussed a while back and was generally well received as a concept.

    Hope all is well in FL. Never been there myself. Oh sorry, as that Finnish guy pointed out to me the other week “this is not a social networking site.”

    Please consider my head hung in appropriate shame. .

    All the best, Simon

    PS I know sod all about golf do sorry I can’t help you there. My handicap is an utter inability…..


    Simon, will give you a bell.

    BTW you dont need any knpwledge of golf for corpoate hospitality!!!

    I am sure someone will chastise us for using the forum as a social network (G-d forbid), but hey I am on holiday!

    Now Go to BED!!!

    Nite nite

    PS – to keep on thread. If anyone is in the USA and totally fed up of all the adverts ruining TV programmes, here is 3 hours of UK heritage to keep you interested and focused.



    Guy complaining recently on this Forum re Finnair’s “inability of its ground crew to speak English.” The guy’s handle is an unmistakably Finnish name, which suggests that he is either Finnish or at least might speak the language, in which case, what’s his problem with whether or not they can speak English?

    “With your handle, I am puzzled. Are you Finnish or do you at least speak Finnish, as this is one of the basis of your poor review of the flight?”

    “Where I come from or whether I speak Finnish is irrelevant. This is not a social networking site.”

    Er, no, but whether or not you speak Finnish, kind of has a relevance to the credibility of your post, especially as you have a Finnish name. “Mitta vittua!”

    I am afraid that whilst we have twits like this to put up, Martyn, I am sure that we’ll be criticised for using this as BTBook.

    Notwithstanding this, please give me a bell whenever you can. And as far as golf is concerned, I have yet to buy a pair of trousers ridiculous enough to stand muster on the 18th.

    I have heard that that the 19th hole is the best place to be, but not being a golfer I am not sure whether or not this an obscene comment or not 😉

    Cheers, Simon

    PS Off to bed now.


    Well as you guys go to sleep, we’re all getting up here in S. Africa where in Knysna it’s just 7c!

    Martyn, I thought I had an ally in my quest for a MCD! Seems Master Sinclair will be hitting the ball in much warmer climes than Master Pirate who I accompanied Friday with my Barbour and hat firmly wrapped around. At least he came 2= in the inetr school tournament so cannot complain too much.

    By the way, London sees nothing of the TV revenues. MarketWatch just reported IOC 4 yr revenue of $5bn of which 3.9 came from TV and the rest from its TOP 11 sponsors. Including MCD I might add!

    Dub, welcome to the forum and enjoy the cigar, I do and will do this afternoon after lunch. BeckyBoop tells me off sometimes but I cope!

    Nice thread indeed Simon, hope you don’t have a hangover when you wake up?

    Have a great Sunday one and all.


    Sorry to dissapoint you LP but I feel for MCD the same way as smoking!!

    WHy didnt London get any of the revenue from NBC, surely as host they are entitled to have some of the sponsorship money.

    It seems the 2 juniors could be well matched, Master Sinclair is being coached at the Orange National course where he often sees some of the PGA players.

    Tomorrow though or later today, he plays in a skins game, which he has been doing since the age of 12. Thats where he gets his pocket money!! he used to let me caddy for him, now i am not allowed anywhere near him on the course!

    Message for BT – so we dont get any abuse from other posters, please can you ammend the thread heading to “US Television & Friendly Conversations”

    ….that should cover most of the “off threads” being discussed”.


    The Sunday Times reports this morning that NBC edited out the “Memorial Wall” and the Brookside Lesbian Kiss.


    That NBC editing says all that’s needed about that station. I wonder if Romney is on the board?
    Back to the subject in hand 🙂 I’m planning on some canoe/kayak days off the N. Carolina coast in a couple of weeks. Not too happy at seeing a photo in a daily a few days back of a guy in a canoe off the East Coast with a dorsal fin of a Great White following him. Maybe you guys won’t be getting many more posts from me. (No need to cheer)


    Or rather…. They are not interested what is happening in tge next state! When we lived in the US in 1965 it was even worse. There werealmost no foreign nws on tv. Still American people have very little knowledge about the outside world. And they have «World series» with only local teams…


    Feel I have to defend my new adopted homeland to the stereotypical xenophobic tone of some posts here. Remember the US is a MASSIVE country – GB would comfortably fit in Texas and then some. The network news has as much foreign content as I remember from my UK days and probably a similar interest level!
    Didn’t watch the opening ceremony yet – have heard from family and friends it was spectacular and can’t wait. However be thankful that the “lack of interest outside the home state” has meant the security shambles, ticket collection fiasco in my home Toon, and Korean flag mistake have seen little press.
    P.S. I can confirm it is incredibly hot in the House of The Mouse, having lived there five years now and loving it (particularly out of tourist season….).


    Sorry I’m a bit late to reply Martyn, but been out with friends most of the day. Our sons do seem well matched. Would be nice to see them play together. I’m sure it will happen one day.

    I’m afraid I’ve no idea why the host country does not get a slice of the tv revenues. Maybe it comes from the home rights, but I really don’t know? I guess we pay out 9.6bn and I guess we get to keep the ticket money but I don’t even know about that. Sorry.


    Toon – I am guilty again of more thread drift, but it is US-related and perhaps not surprisingly (based on my previous posts) alcohol-based! Are you getting the N’castle Brown Ale adds pushed down there in FL – also in bars? Speaking to a couple of barmen, there is a big marketing push at the mo! Latest add:
    Featuring the boll*!?s word
    Sounds rather tempting right now…………….! All the best to you down there in the heat…


    dubtraveller – yep, particularly mid the endless Top Gear repeats on BBC America. Had my boys and I rolling on the floor the first time we saw it (I even had to take a pic for my FB friends….)!
    I try not to shatter the illusions of my US friends drinking it by telling them it’s been a LONG time since it was brewed in the North East, let alone Newcastle……..!


    Consider yourself lucky not to have had China Central Television delivering London 2012 to you. After three days of only showing Chinese competitors winning – and the rest of the world clearly there simply to come second, third, fourth etc, I pulled the power cable out of the wall and made do with online coverage courtesy of the BBC and FT websites.

    The “commercial breaks” featured flag waving and the singing of patriotic songs. Taken together, it amounted to the “Last Night of the Proms” to a factor of 100 – both morning, noon and night. As a display of chauvinism and ultra-nationalism, it was frankly quite revolting.

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