travelling alone

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  • stevescoots

    FC, you have to read everythread! its the law of the internet!


    Aloha Martyn,

    Thats what dreams are made for!

    I can dream of a White Christmas on a semi deserted Kauai beach at year end!

    Becky: Come and join me and you will be BeckyBoop in Wunderland!!!

    BTW, you don’t have to have Sex on the Beach! I can fix you a world-class Mai Tai instead.


    Stevescoots: Be ready for the On-line Entertainment!

    Warnings: The content may be tastefully colourful or even graphic at times!!!


    what is this “on-line entertainment” you speak of? 🙂


    Watch your insinuations Mr Sinclair, and definitely don’t go near FlyingChinaman’s world. It all sounds very dangerous, apart from being worse than my most violent dreams!


    FC – you havent been searching You Tube or similar “Tubes” using any famous names used by BT posters!!


    we have famous names here?

    and here i was thinking this was an excluse members only club


    Martyn: I am going to EXIT this thread as it is getting muy complicado!

    GAME OVER!!!


    Chinaman, Kauai is a small place, I will look out for you and Becky over the Holidays… Butler got some great Malsadas from Champion by the way….


    Rich: Great! Who said three’s a crowd! I say three’s a party!

    In fact I shall receive many friends from Europe in all shapes and sizes but all gorgeous looking!

    I can go stuff them with some great Malsadas from Champion!

    Marytn: Isn’t life brialliant!!! The Aloha sunshine at least!!!!

    Now I am definately exiting and I am NOT travelling ALONE!!!


    FlyingChinaman – you and I have something in common – we agree on how good and lucky we are with life. I really dont know, how much better life can get!

    (please note, my “Very Personal…..” thread was written when I was 49 not 50!!)


    Marytn: You and me are definately blessed and we should be humble about our good fortune as the majority of the people in the world are not! (perhaps we can include VK!)

    Your Very Personal thread reflects on your announcement for embarking on your Golden Era – Life is Journey – Travel it Well!!!

    PS: You are in fact doing so already! Relish the Beetroot Rissotto on your next flight – perfect if served personally by HonestCrew!


    BeckyBoop – I am a regular female traveller and have often had the phone number trick, invite to the mile high club (under the blankets when the lights dim – classy!) and offers of extravagant nights out/gifts when in the arrival destination.

    You really need to cut these people dead immediately with a withering stare or laugh at them. Tear or screw up the tatty piece of paper with the phone numbers in front of them (unless you are actually interested in the guy). By being all friendly and British and nice, these people take it that you are enjoying the approach. If you’re not happy then treat these approaches with the distain that they deserve. As for agreeing to have your photo taken – what are you thinking of? You’ll be on somebody’s Facebook page before the flight taxied to the arrival gate. Take command of the situation and be aware of the signals you are giving off – say no thank you. Unfortunately by being young, pretty and friendly you are a soft target for these people.

    That’s not to say that men are desperate, deranged sex maniacs and I’ve had many interesting conversations on flights, in airport lounges etc about many innocent subjects – I always ask about their families. If they are happy to talk about their children then I think it’s safe to continue the conversation further, if they fudge the response and the wedding ring gets slipped into the pocket – then out with the iPod or a good book. Never disclose which hotel you are staying in. I did by mistake once and before I knew it the guy was standing in reception!

    I agree with Hengli123 that there are cultural differences in the FE with regard to staring. My answer would be to give them the ‘death stare’ – a quick up and down and walk on. A good pair of sunglasses will cut you off from surrounding crowds. Sorry but I agree that if you flag this issue up to your employer you will be restricted on where you can travel. They have a duty of care and if you mention that you do not feel safe then they must act.

    Many of the major hotel chains offer women only floors – my tips would be careful with your key and signing things in the hotel (people take note of your room number). When dining in the restaurant ask to sit in a corner and face out into the room so your view of the room is unrestricted. Use covered luggage tags as information on your name/mobile can be picked up from them.

    Remember that non-verbal communication speaks more loudly than verbal – you are obviously good at what you do – you need to project this confidence while you are travelling and let the losers play their games with the flight attendants, as usual.


    Good Grief, Ms Boop, this is an amazing conversation. I am 6′ tall, blonde and normally attractive female executive, so I have some basic advice. I have travelled alone all my life on business and for leisure;, my husband will only travel for two weeks, so I usually go to Europe a week ahead of him, or New York or anyplace else I want to see. I am old now, but still 6′ and blonde. I dress like an executive when I travel, no cleavage, no sweatshirt over leggings, no clothing that would make me look like I desire sexual attention. I think the problem is that you are noticing all this attention. I know that sounds silly, but I just refuse to notice people looking at me. I’m always busy with my laptop or a book or writing notes. I enjoy chatting with strangers in airports, planes, hotels, etc and you should not have to become a hermit to escape attention. You just need to control the situation. When I’m hit on, I I literally ignore the “hits”. Just laugh and change the subject, there’s no misunderstanding, the men know you are ignoring their advances. If they come back again, just excuse yourself and go back to whatever you were doing. So you see, you have to have something to do, something that allows you to walk away if you need to. What do you think, guys?

    On the subject of how you’re treated by airline and hospitality staff, I notice occasionally that another woman will treat the men better than they treat me. It’s just the way it is. Step right up, ask for what you want sweetly, and ignore the attitude, that’s their problem, not yours. If someone is nasty to me, I have no problem telling them clearly what I expect them to do. Again, they’re there to serve the customer, and I don’t care what their attitude is, they need to do the job they’re being paid for. Dress and carry yourself like you own the airline/hotel and you’ll be treated more graciously and subsequently you’ll develop more self confidence.


    judynagy – I am with you 100%. Since August when i turned 50, I am having similar issues. I am 5’7” slim, suits and uniforms hang well on me and I seem to be hit on by good looking ladies of all ages. Its tough sometimes fighting them off, but I always have Mrs S in mind.

    In 60J the other day, the lady opposite me, decided to enter into conversation and invited me to share a meal – a bit forward I thought, we hadnt even exchanged names.

    Anyway, I reciprocated when she handed me her number by giving her someone’s number who I think would appreciate it more. So FlyingChinaman, if you get a call for Martyn, suggest you offer her the Aloha treatment.

    I keep on saying life is good at 50…….

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