Business Entertaining: Shark Fin Soup

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  • LuganoPirate

    Thanks VK for highlighting this. I can’t look at the clip but my daughter has told me all about it. I hope it eventually gets forbidden, sooner rather than later.


    I had horse in Luxembourg.

    Felt I should try it, but it just made me think of the ponies I’d had as pets. 🙁



    Do you remember the name of the restaurant? Not that I would like to try it!

    Was it this one?


    As a result of this thread how many of you are going to turn vegetarian?

    VK what did horse taste like?


    @ BeckyBoop – 31/10/2012 18:06 GMT

    Although I wasn’t in fact sharing VK’s plate at the time, I can confirm that horse tastes like very fine steak… I sampled mine at a horse restaurant just off St Germain des Pres in Paris where eating horse most certainly does not raise the eyebrows that it appears to do in the UK. Whereas I wont do sharks’ fin, I most definitely will do foie gras: geese are not endangered and together with a fine Alsatian Riesling or Gewurtztraminer, make for a fine meal. Ditto veal.

    Lest anyone is going to be prissy about the subject of meat eating, there is always the option of taking yourself to an abattoir so that you see for yourselves where that slab on your plate came from.


    CX now ban sharks fin from any cargo agents


    I agree with Betty Boop. I find the whole foie gras process pretty disgusting. That said, the approach to making meat halal is just as awful.

    I wish I could turn vegetarian but I find the idea extremely challenging


    I agree with Betty Boop. I find the whole foie gras process pretty disgusting. That said, the approach to making meat halal is just as awful.

    I wish I could turn vegetarian but I find the idea extremely challenging


    I enjoy the foie gras (not always done an awful way as above said), oysters (alive), and was enjoying horse meat at home when kid.
    I try to skip when possible lamb eyes..
    Each country its culture. Easy to comment on someone else habits!
    Flying next time in F, I am sure many of you will replace sturgeon caviar with the eggplant one.


    I have eaten it, really dont see what the appeal is.

    I dont eat it now and to be fair most westerners I am with avoid it as well, but in Asia I would not dream of telling clients or dignataries to avoid it



    Can you explain why a very large amount of meat sold in UK supermarkets is ‘halal’, which involves slitting the animals throat without any pre-stunning? Do you find this more acceptable than the way shark’s fins are gathered?)

    Yet you and your compatriots, who are allegedly a nation of animal lovers, accept this.

    Let me make it very clear that I accept the right of Islamic states to follow their religion, even if I do not like such practices, but the UK is not an islamic state.

    So, my reply to you is put your own glass house in order, before you start throwing stones.

    For the record, I don’t eat shark fin soup, foie gras …..


    bruce98 @ 11:35

    I seem to remember a right row not so long ago about a certain hamburger chain using halal meat/chicken and not telling customers. So now if halal meat is sold, it must be clearly labelled. I would not buy it.

    Also I don’t eat meat but if I did I would want to know the origin and how it was slaughtered.

    The DH enjoys a good bit of Scottish beef, but I only buy it for him from a known local farmer who grows his own beef. Providence is everything.

    We are both animal lovers, it’s just that he doesn’t mind eating more of them than I do! But he does eat less and less these days!



    You’re right about Halal in the UK supermarkets but where do you stop……

    I think the UK has come along way in recent years, acknowledging firstly that we had a problem with unethical practices with livestock husbandry.

    Customer awareness and then consumer pressure has helped. The legislation on battery hens etc has eased the suffering and eased the conscious of the general public (that is if they bothered to consider how their meat arrived onto their plate) when indulging in carnivore whims.

    That said we still have along way to go, and even further in other EU countries.

    I am in total agreement with VK on this one though…..It is an absolutely appalling practice, cruel and barbaric, not to say wasteful.

    Would any of us now, even contemplate purchase non dolphin friendly tuna..

    Yet those fishing practices only stopped after pressure and boycotts!


    I am really tempted to eat horse now because i love to eat steak, does anyone know if you can eat in anywhere in London or the UK.?

    Canuklad, when you buy tinned tuna it usually tells you where it is from and if from sustanable sources/line caught and yellowfin.



    Please wathc this (warning, it is distressing)

    Now, where do you stop?

    All the good husbandry on the farm counts for nothing, if this is the end, IMHO.

    My issue with this, I repeat, is not that it is a religious practice, but that the UK supermarkets sell this type of meat generally.

    I don’t want to have that type of demise on my conscience.

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