Beware of hotel thieves at Paris hotels

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  • AMcWhirter

    If visting Paris this summer be alert to hotel crime.

    Blog posting from


    “Another receptionist said that some of the thieves know how to pick hotel rooms’ electronic locks”.
    A reason I hate these electronic locks, I much prefer a proper key. Apart from the fact the card usually becomes demagnetized just as I reach the door and desperately need the bathroom!!


    For goodness sake guys… perhaps we should create a new thread called

    “Being Angry Together”

    .. let posters use that thread to have a slanging match (whenever needed)…. and keep the main threads clean….

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    Mrs.LP has this awful habit of leaving her bag, open, on the counter then wandering round the shop in the belief no one will steal anything from her.
    One day I nicked her purse. We left the shop and three shops later went to pay for what she had finally decided to buy. Shock and horror her purse with cards and money all gone!!! Now in total panic and about to go back to the other shops I confessed and gave her the purse back. Did she learn her lesson? Absolutely not as she still does it! It infuriates me no end….


    Aeons ago I had a girl who worked for me at a travel agency. At the end of each day we put the cash, which was usually a lot, and cheques, into a bank pouch, which she then took to the bank next door and dropped into the night deposit box.

    She often used to leave the pouch on the counter, open and in full view of anybody who came into the shop or even just walked past it, full of money, while she dithered around the back before going to the bank. I had warned he many times about this.

    One day I took the cash out, locked the pouch, and let her take it to the bank empty. She went to the bank in the morning (I had tipped them off) to collect the bag and deposit slip. She came back as white as a sheet, panicking. I let her stew for a few minutes and then gave her the money which I had stowed in the safe.

    Did she learn her lesson? Absolutely not.


    Old habits die hard? Glad to see she still believes that deep down human beings are good not evil. My children still hold notes in their hands when hopping from shop to shop and refuse to stop counting money on the street, despite my warning them that it will become a habit they will probably regret.


    It’s not just Parisian hotels: the Gare du Nord is a complete snake pit of pickpocketing and theft.

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    It’s not just Paris Nord, it’s pretty much any main European rail terminus. The worst by far that I’ve seen recently are Milano Centrale and Munich Hbf. Madrid Chamartin is bad too.

    It appears to be politically incorrect to suggest why this has got so much worse in the last few years and that it will continue to get worse. So I won’t. We all know.

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    [quote quote=876840]Mrs.LP has this awful habit of leaving her bag, open, on the counter then wandering round the shop in the belief no one will steal anything from her.

    One day I nicked her purse. We left the shop and three shops later went to pay for what she had finally decided to buy. Shock and horror her purse with cards and money all gone!!! Now in total panic and about to go back to the other shops I confessed and gave her the purse back. Did she learn her lesson? Absolutely not as she still does it! It infuriates me no end….[/quote]

    And you survived? You’re lucky. I would have been killed for that 🙂


    Capetonianm, please enlighten me as to why it has got worse and ignore the “pc” brigade?


    CathayLoyalist2 : I struggle to accept that you don’t know, I suspect you may be simply trying to invoke further acrimonious discussion. However, giving you the benefit of doubt, I quote from the Guardian, a bastion of political correctness.

    Three years after Europe’s biggest influx of migrants and refugees since the second world war, tensions between EU member states over how to handle irregular immigration from outside the bloc – mainly from the Middle East and Africa – are rising again.

    The underlying factors that have led to more than 1.8 million migrants coming to Europe since 2014 have not gone away; most observers believe it is only a matter of time before the number of arrivals picks up again.

    Those figures are low, given that they only account for those who declared themselves as ‘asylum seekers’ and are thus known to the authorities. Some 60% of these people are adult males.


    We are probably somewhat beyond the aim of this forum. That said, we, business travelers, are affected by these developments.
    The bottom line, no matter what are one’s political view is, must remain pragmatic. Either we want a decent if not a good level of social services, with by definition limited means, and we have to limit the number of beneficiaries, or we don’t. In the former case, there is no other solution than filtering immigration. The latter case means the loss of social services. Many politicians however tend to pretend the contrary with the devastating results we know.
    The problem Europe faced in the aftermath of what we wrongly called the Arab spring and the destruction of some of the Middle Eastern regimes, is related to that massive immigration, that for most of the cases was economical! If you think about it, fleeing a war doesn’t require to go to Europe. So we are currently witnessing nothing else than fed-up EU citizens calling for the end of the current madness. This is not really politically correct. But it is the reality in which we are leaving.

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    Another reality wich is not politicaly correct is that all the countries which this immigrants are coming from have been governed by some kinds of potentates who were able to governe their country with the financial, military and political aid coming from countries and private companies who just wanted to make some money in a short time. We got the money and I’m afraid we now have to give some change.

    This is an exemple of what we, French, did (i.e financed) for the leader of Central African Republic which is has always been one of the poorest country in the world :

    We were (and are) not the only ones to do this kind of things.

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    Capetonianm, if I knew the answer I would not have bothered to ask and in the spirit of this forum was asking your opinion. You do seem obsessed with inviting criticism.


    That is not the case at all, it’s quite simply that I battle to understand how somebody could not be aware of what’s currently going on in Europe with all these illegal immigrants.

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