Dairystix love them or hate them?

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  • Anonymous


    Dairystix must be one of the worst inventions ever! Whoever came up with the idea of putting liquid in a non-rigid container must have a warped sense of humour.

    I first encountered them on East Midlands Trains and if you don’t need the full stix the milk ends up over the table. They are difficult to open too.

    Now BA has introduced these awful things, when I asked why they tell me it was as the stix are lighter. The difference must be so minimal, its a joke. I hate them and the sooner they are banned, withdrawn or whatever that day can’t come soon enough


    Couldn’t agree more; they’re truly the work of Satan!


    Tell you who has benefited from Dairystix, my local dry cleaners with two pairs of suit pants.


    They are trully a disaster. But the reason the BA crew gave you can’t be correct. I have a feeling it has something to do with expiration dates as the expiration dates on those damn stix is very short, whereas on the creamer cups it is much longer which runs the risk of having a supply on hand that has expired and therefore must be thrown away. Also, much easier to read the expiration dates on the stix so less chance of serving one that is expired and risking a lawsuit from an over sensitive American!


    Disagree with all the naysayers! Dairystix are terrific! so much better than all those nasty little creamer cups of half&half! Personally I hope that they become widely available.


    I like them, too. You just need to work on your technique to open them, which involves pinching the top with a lot of pressure when opening! Took me a while to perfect this.

    Another advantage is that you can fit a lot into a given space, sometimes I put some in my case, with sachets of coffee when travelling.

    Guess they are ‘like Marmite’ and everyone has an opinion.


    I prefer them to the cup shape holders; if you employ the above methodology for opening, they’re also much less likely to explode all over you.


    Since I first posted this two and a half years ago almost, they have improved the packaging by taking on board customers comments.

    Originally the tops were difficult to open and had a tendancy to tear with contents over you, table and those around. Have to confess to actually liking them now since they made the improvements.


    think of all the dairystix on a flight then times that by the amount of flights BA have..the saving in wieght would be massive.

    bigger issues in the world than dairystix….like hand luggage/running out of chicken/coaching stands etc etc etc!!



    Didn’t see the date of your original post – doh!


    The best I have seen is a guy next to me in CE pouring the milk over his salad, thinking it was a dressing, and then eating it!!!


    Worse still are the dreadful pyramid shaped wax paper thingies with a tear off foil square half way down one of the sides. Unless you are supremely skillful, which I am not, it is a bit like tearing off the ringpull on a beer can after shaking it!

    SAS favour these, and recently I found some on the tea tray of a RetC


    Saw a passenger’s breakfast MOML this week – small cornflakes box with 9 stix for the milk!! Dry flakes anyone?


    hey guys! The dairystix have only been introduced on BA euro traveller flights, the reasoning is that these aircraft can usually be catered for several sectors at once to minimise turn around times and supplier costs, milk usually comes in jugs however once opened needs to be kept refigerated however we only have ice boxes onboard. Another reason is once opened these jugs become very messy during turbulence and on landing and very frequently milk is opened and large amounts wasted.

    Milkstix can be used sector after sector with very little waste or spillage. Also worth to point out its still “propper” milk in club europe and long haul all cabins!

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