BA Executive Club security breach

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  • CityRiskBoy

    Tominscotland –

    1) I never received an email in the first instance to reset my password, I had an email from what looked like BA to say someone had successfully been added to my household account……a Russian name I couldn’t even pronounce…I then logged in to find all my avios gone

    2) I’m seeking compensation because I was on holiday in Dubai at the time and spent considerable amount of time sitting on hold to the silver line waiting for someone to pick up so I could report it

    In any case, compensation should be offered at the least owing to the fact BA are a major corp and should have the proper firewalls and appropriate systems in place to catch this activity before it happens and also because me like everyone else in here is a loyal customer.


    MartynSinclair – 28/03/2015 15:43 GMT

    My point, precisely!


    Received the email and considered it suspicious, so phoned the Exec Club. Told it was genuine. I asked why they didn’t send a parallel text message to confirm it was genuine….oh, that’s a good idea, she said! They have our contact numbers. Maybe it would have cost them money….!
    Most accounts have been frozen as a precaution and the Avios removed…to protect BA, so she said….not us!


    I am on the same boat, but the password reset doesn’t work with me… And I can’t reach BA because of a unusual high number of calls…

    Yes, it must be serious…


    I had not received the email but checked my account anyway when I saw the story. My account has been set to zero but with a note saying this is a precaution and my correct balance will be “restored very soon”. To me this reinforces two points

    1 – do not use third party apps like Award Wallet
    2 – give only the very minimum of information on account details.


    My Avios are all gone too

    1. I don’t use 3rd party apps
    2. It can’t be that serious, because I reset my password to exactly the same as before!
    3. Doesn’t seem very clever to send a password reset email that looks and reads like a phishing email. I only clicked through after seeing the various FT threads about it. They could have put up a proper press release in the first place
    4. This finally seems to have hit the media, but judging by the noise here and on FT, it sounds like more than a “a small number”…


    Mine have just gone back on line and avios been returned to my account




    My Chase BA Visa card has just been compromised – hopefully this is unrelated.Chase USA spotted it quickly and alerted me.


    Both my wife and I have been locked out of our account since last week and are unable to access. We were in India on holiday when this problem arose and the method for resetting passwords is not working (emails are taking forever to arrive and when the link is clicked a message comes back saying that “Sorry, this link has expired. Please re-enter your login ID to reset your PIN/Password”). I called the Silver line number from India and was informed that we would be sent a password, but again I got the error message above. I just called BA again today and was told that it is a known issue and that BA IT do not know when it will be resolved. Why can BA not send out an email to its customers explaining what is going on and how we should deal with our accounts in the interim. The way this is being handled is extremely poor with no communication with customers. Customers are wasting time attempting to access their accounts. Will we be sent an email when the issue is resolved?


    Hi Tony-Uk I did receive an email forming me, but it went to my spam folder! So, maybe, check there. But, I phoned them to check that the email was genuine (why didn’t they send a confirming text msg?). They then explained that it would take 48 hours until I could reset my password and I would receive an email inviting me to do this. Yes, it happened and I was able to get back online. Then I noticed that all the Avios had been removed from my account. In the earlier chat they told me that this would happen and they would be replaced a couple of days later, after changing my password. This happened. It took about 6 days total to reinstate the account. Although the communication was bad, the system worked.
    Hope this helps…don’t panic!


    Same here, Tony. The lady I could reach on Wednesday who was not understanding why this was happening and told me she will call back. Still waiting…


    I spoke with a person yesterday from Barclays who say they have seen a link between Barclay VISA holders and BA Exec Club members. This may be a result of people using a single common password or perhaps their birth date being identified either way it’s seems there is a problem.


    Just to dispel the myth about common passwords, I use individual passwords for sites and manage using 1Password… I think this is a security issue with the BA web site and they are trying to deflect attention.


    Maybe the problem is with 1Password then ?

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