Qatar Airways Dublin-bound flight QR107 encounters turbulence (May 26)

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  • AMcWhirter

    Initial reports say that six passengers and six crew were injured.

    Flight QR107 landed safely in Dublin at 13:00 today.

    Further details unknown at present.


    Just read the story and this apparently happened whilst over Turkey so I am surprised that the aircraft continued on its journey to Dublin where 8 people were taken to hospital.


    Apparently none of the injuries were serious (hospital visit was a precaution only) which is why the flight carried on to Dublin. One crew with arm in a sling and cuts,strains and bruises among the others apparently.

    This happened during the meal service and seemingly the pilot was flying through thunderstorms (as was the SIA flight) rather than deviating around them as pilots for some large airlines are instructed to do.

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