Does frequent travelling go with alcoholism?

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  • canucklad

    Missed this the first time round—but

    The trouble with being tee total is…..
    Waking up in the morning and realising thats the best you’re going to feel all day!!

    Dean Martin?


    I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on
    Booze, fast cars , and wild wild women…………………………….

    The rest I’ve just squandered …………..

    George Best


    I remember in a thread somewhere I aid I’d try the G & T’s o the plane and in the lounges then bar of my hotel. 9 different tasting opportunities I think?

    Trouble is I can no longer remember the results or what was served where!!!! Enough said!


    Going back to the title of the thread…..i agree with Stevescoots

    Personally, I’m very much a social drinker…..never drink in the house, unless there is visitors or an occasion to celebrate…So when i’m away and order room service then same rule applies.i

    Down at the bar watching football, then yes i’ll have a beer or two with my dinner.

    If i’m visiting a new place, or staying at a different hotel in London from normal then i will plan an exploring night, normally co-inciding with a televised sporting event and have a few beers on my wanders.

    Friday 5.00…..Picked up from work and normally in the lounge as sharp as possible…….A can of Guiness, followed by a couple of whiskies

    A couple of bottles of vino blanco on the plane and still its not enough to make sense of the jibberish my mates are talking when i catch up with them in my local at 9.00!!

    Sunday…….Few drinks in bowling club, off the airport….few more drinks in the lounge, and on the plane…all ready for a good nights sleep when i arrive in Brentford or where ever


    watersz – 26/10/2012 07:40 GMT
    I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on
    Booze, fast cars , and wild wild women…………………………….

    The rest I’ve just squandered …………..

    George Best


    In riposte:

    “If it flies, f**ks or floats, it’s better rented by the hour”

    Tommy Earl Bruner


    The more I drink, the wiser i become……

    The wiser i am, the evening before ,the more my head hurts the morning after…….

    What a curse it is to be such a clever d**k !!!!!

    A Friday thought from me…

    Roll on Ftriday night, so i can be wise again……


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