after almost 3 years arrived in HK…..

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  • stevescoots

    Well I finally made it into a very wet and cool HK. After reading some of the posts thought I would put my experience in.
    CX766 from SGN today, 16th. Did not get off to a good start when we were delayed an hour due to a fault, not sure what it was(at the time) but after boarding all the power on one side in J was not working so ended up having to move seats to the other side. Good job the flight was not full.
    Prior to boarding have to go online to the HK website and complete the health declaration and upload vaccination record. This then gives you a green QR code which you need to show to board and will need on landing. The form is simple but vaccine record has to be in a Jpeg format. mine was in PDF so that required me taking screen shots of the open PDF on my phone…..ok, inconvenient but no bid deal.

    Arrival process: landed way out at 67 and took the walk to the test area. It was not busy and the entire process took no more than 10 mins including lining up. Show them the green QR and passport, they give you lanyard with a number and you go to that booth who do the test. Test is only on tonsils, not up the nose so is not uncomfortable. Pass the sample to someone and that’s it, free to go. Everything after that at the airport is pretty much as before covid. Even my frequent visitor registration was still working after almost 3 years. From doors open to standing waiting bags, 20 mins. Waiting bags…1 hour!! The tech fault reared its head again and they could not open the cargo doors.
    Jumped in a joe down to my usual hotel in ETST to have a very nice warm welcome back after so long away. Now at this point I am thinking all’s good, got my negative result about to head out
    Until that was I got this email below. Which after trying to work it all out i have to do daily tests myself and upload to a declaration. Not only that I have to do a community test (or professional one ) on the 18th. I actually leave on the 19th. I am usually pretty good at puzzles and maybe I am tired but seriously, this is meant to encourage visitors? self test every day for 5 days do community testing after 2 days. As they say, its not what’s advertised on the tin.
    To summarize, airport process before flying and arrival is easy. After that unless you have to come such as I do I would not bother until they at least drop all the testing after the arrival one. Potential 10K hkd fine for non-compliance. Now I am off for a cool beer

    Good day! Welcome to Hong Kong! According to the Government compulsory testing notice currently in force, inbound travellers coming from overseas and Taiwan are required to undergo 5 days of self-monitoring. During this period, they are required to perform mandatory tests in line with the relevant compulsory testing notice. The Government wishes to remind you some points to pay attention to and the requirement as stated in the relevant compulsory testing notice. If you plan to leave Hong Kong on or before the specified test days, please login to“Electronic COVID-19 Monitoring & Surveillance System” (website to declare your plan.
    You arrived on 16th of December 2022. After undergoing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test at the airport, you should proceed directly to your place of residence, and leave there only after the result from the test has been issued. On 18th of December 2022, after obtaining negative result of a rapid antigen test (RAT), you are required to undergo mandatory PCR-based testing by professional swab sampling for COVID-19. To receive a free test, you can make advance booking for testing at a preferred testing site and time slot through the online booking system ( or use the Testing Registration QR code in the LeaveHomeSafe mobile application for registration on site at a community testing centre / community testing station, or ad-hoc mobile specimen collection station. Alternatively, you may arrange a self-paid test at a local medical institution recognised by the Government. Please note that you will need to register for the test using the identification document number as stated on your Provisional Vaccine Pass.
    Moreover, from Day 1 to Day 5 after arrival (both days inclusive, the day of arrival being Day 0), you are required to undergo daily RATs, monitor your health status including measuring your body temperature twice per day, as well as keeping photos of the RAT test results for checking as required. For this, you can login to Electronic COVID-19 Monitoring & Surveillance System (eCMSS, website to report your RAT test results and health status.
    Any person who fails to comply with the requirements commits an offence and may be fined a fixed penalty of HK$10,000. The person may also be issued with a compulsory testing order requiring him/her to undergo testing within a specified period. Failure to comply with the order is an offence and the offender would be liable to a fine at level 5 (HK$50,000) and imprisonment for six months. To avoid breaking the law, please remember to undergo the mandatory tests on specified days.

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    Thanks for your post and very helpful.

    It is fairly accepted that nothing has really changed with the rule change as all the pcr tests (arrival and day 2) and RAT tests remain (though reduced from 7 to 5). The main difference is that you can now go to bars and gyms etc when you arrive.

    I understand you also need to be careful if you test positive as there is a list of hotels on the government website which allow visitors to self isolate as otherwise you end up in penny bay (prison).

    When you arrived, was your vaccine pass blue (ie can go anywhere) or was it red until you got your pcr test result and then automatically change? I ask as I land Xmas day and want to see friends and I don’t know how efficient the pass changing to the right colour is?

    I thought it was optional to upload RAT tests and it was ok to just take a screenshot?

    I am also hoping that as I already have the leave at home safe app with my vaccine records registered that I don’t have to upload again.

    Having travelled the last month freely, the process feels tedious and I am worried again for testing positive due to consequences rather than covid itself. However I am excited to see friends in HK and return home.

    You are brave as a visitor going through this. I wish you a great time in HK and I heard the weather is cooler and quite nice.


    Hi Christ, summing up you are correct, the only “real change” is being able to eat and drink inside as soon as you get all clear. I am not sure about the vaccine pass going blue timing as I did not check mine until after I got the SMS message with neg result about 4 hours after landing. I don’t have the leave home safe app and won’t install it either. I took a pic off my PC of my blue QR code. Maybe it’s a tin foil hat moment but I don’t want them tracking my location in case I wanted to do a runner out of HK rather than spend Xmas in Penny’s Bay. As you point out a positive test, false positive is a very real risk and even if a second one shows negative you must stay 5 days to get 5 days negative.

    it says taking a pic of the test is advised on the email, however when you go to the webpage to notify test result it does request upload of picture. Not sure if compulsory at that point I just went ahead and did it.

    Cwoodward is correct when he says HK is not dying and certainly judging from how busy Friday and Saturday night is, and the shops, trying to get a table at well known places the locals certainly are just getting on with life, in a mask. But as you say its very tedious after having almost a year of free travel now elsewhere and the only people who would enter HK as I see it are those for urgent business and family/personal reasons or not read the small print.

    I won’t be back again except for urgent business and then it will be in and out with one overnight stop until the testing is gone. it certainly is cool, after 3 weeks in Saigon I had to go get some winter clothes today!

    Now off to Shatin to do my official PCR!

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    I don’t think I am desperate enough to see HK again to go through that. I will stick to the sensible countries when I travel again – hopefully after the predicted Christmas mess
    When will this country ever pay people properly – that is precisely why I spent 40 years away….


    And so I come to the end of my brief trip into HK. Masking up everywhere and showing vaccine pass at every meal time was somewhat of a chore and after being rammed into the MTR this morning like sardines pretty pointless. I did my community covid test yesterday , got the result of negative this morning. I am supposed to do another self-test today but what is the point, I am leaving! HKG is quiet but not what I would call dead. As I have the late night CX 255 I grabbed a room in the Regal for a quick relax, nap and freshen up. The regal is well past its prime and long overdue for a complete refirb. A 5 min walk to the arrivals area which was pretty busy then up the lift to the F counter to check in. No waiting and strait through immigration and security, CX gave me a free concierge buggy ticket to the gate as its way down in the dirty zone at gate 49. Most of the shops are open and the Duty free is fully stocked. Currently sat in the Wing F lounge which you need to have the vaccine pass installed to enter. The first section is for business and the aft with the haven restaurant is reserved for F and diamond. Overall a nice experience in HKG with the lack of crowds!

    Happy Christmas/holidays/other! Safe travels in 2023

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    As my time in Asia also comes to an end in a maskless, covid pass free Thailand, where the malls are packed, side walks busy and those that wish to wear masks do and those that don’t are not harassed. No need for any covid testing. Airport is bustling, lounges freely available and open.

    What Hkg loses in terms of tourists and business visitors, Thailand gains.

    Next visit March.

    Thank you Thailand for your amazing welcome and opportunities.

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    cwoodward – I was rather hoping you would comment on the Steve’s post about the PCR testing restrictions that remain as the main bug bear for business people or tourists entering HKG, and the risk of a false positive PCR test leading to forced isolation. Along with being forced to go to official testing centre during ones stay.

    You were quite adamant that most restrictions have been lifted….

    Instead you appear to start yet another new threads purely about how well CX are doing in term of passenger numbers.

    As I always I look forward to hearing you positivity about trying to unrestrictedly and freely enter HKG for both pleasure and business, which currently, does not appear to be the case.


    Next week Martyn…..we afre moving our head office this week and our China factories almost closed as 50% of the PRC population now has covid = no time to post…but you can be absolutely sure that I will post and update soonest.


    China border open from about 12 January

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