Pudding Perfection: Is This The Chilled Choc Fondant the Best in the Sky?

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  • Anonymous


    I went along to Taste of London last week and though mention of it seemed to be suppressed here on the Business Travel forum, for reasons which I am unclear about, this is one of the best annual events for BA Silver and Gold cardholders as there is a BA tent very similar to a BA lounge to which you all get access.

    While there, I sampled some of BA’s Height Cuisine on the Taste of Moscow flight, which includes caviar; while BA’s food is (sometimes deservedly) slated on here, I have rarely had a bad meal on board and am fundamentally quite happy with what’s offered.

    A new pudding has made an appearance, the “Chilled Chocolate Fondant” – Olympic themed, to resemble the Flame – and I’d urge those in a position to try it to do just that; absolutely scrummy!

    I’m not in F again until next month, when I hope to sample it, but in the meantime you can see it in this pic:


    …culled from someone’s excellent Trip Report on Flyertalk:



    Interesting, you must have forgotten how many times you posted the topic VintageKrug and how many times you bumped the threads which is what led to them being culled. Quite right too. Manipulating to board for hobby horse subjects is never the right thing to do.

    I hope similar threads will always be culled.



    I think VintageKrug was running at least three threads on the theme of Taste of London and rightly they were culled.

    His memory must indeed be very short.

    I did wonder earlier why he had bumped so many threads and presumably it was to bury JohnHarper’s excellent and 100% accurate observation!


    Never mind VK – I appreciate your link today as it whets my appetite for our very soon F trip LHR- SYD! Yahoo! and I will definitely let you ALL know how delicious this pudding is! ;-), :-)!

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