At OZEN LIFE MAADHOO there was a unique event where guests engaged in an coral planting activity. Resident Marine Biologist Oshin Joanna Christopher organized the Coral Tree Plantation event, where guests connected with nature and increased their ecological footprint. The event took place on January 7 2022, on Orthodox Christmas Day, at the Watersports Centre Beach as a part of the festive celebrations. Kids and adults got together to plant baby corals with the hope that they grow into resilient reefs for the future.

Guests attached coral pieces to a metal tree frame built from recycled material. After which, the diving team submerged the tree at the coral nursery behind M6m underwater restaurant. Music and festivities added to the lively atmosphere. All participants received a special certificate to mark the event.

Henar Gil Rios, the General Manager of OZEN LIFE MAADHOO, says “We are deeply committed to the coral restoration program. It is not just the marine conservation efforts. We also incorporate sustainable practices into all operations, ranging from procurement to solar energy. OZEN LIFE MAADHOO is also certified by Green Globe, an international standard for sustainable tourism.” For the restoration project, the team collected ‘corals of opportunity.’ Loose coral fragments turned over by big fish often drift onto the beach or to spots where they cannot grow any longer. These fragments are rescued and used for coral regeneration. Typically, they belong to Acropora, Porites and Pocillopora species – which are resistant to warming ocean temperatures.

Oshin Christopher has a futuristic vision – of regenerating the coral reef by growing ‘corals of the future.’ These corals will be able to fight the challenges of global warming.The team selects suitable spots in the lagoon where corals can thrive. Oshin says, “Our nurseries have ‘super corals’ and ‘reef-building corals’ that have withstood the bleaching events of 2016 naturally. We are using their resilient genetics to grow more resilient corals. Soon, we will add a concrete block reef near the spa beach to create a refuge for local fish species. Eventually, the fish will accept these blocks to be a part of the reef’s.”