An independent survey commissioned by CWT, the B2B4E travel management platform, has revealed the two most significant worries that frequent flyers complain of. These are a deterioration of life at home, and increased pressure on colleagues. 

As per the research, when it comes to their personal life, 22 per cent of the respondents believe that their business travel commitments erode the quality of their relationships and home life. While 21 per cent are worried that their families think they prefer travelling for work more than their day-to-day responsibilities at home.

According to the same study, on the professional side of things, 22 per cent of business travellers feel guilty that their colleagues have to bear the load of their work, in their absence, 21 per cent stress about spending too much time with colleagues and clients, while 14 per cent are concerned about the difficulty of staying in touch with people in their main office. 

Catherine Maguire-Vielle, CWT’s executive vice president and chief human resources officer says, “Even though the same research reveals that business travellers feel that positives outweigh negatives at work (92 per cent) and at home (82 per cent) when travelling for business, companies need to be aware of the concerns that business travellers face and help to address them head-on. Relationships are a fundamental part of a person’s wellbeing and companies have the obligation to ensure that their employees’ travels are not jeopardising them in the home or in the office.”